Welcome to the IIHS Online Course Center!
Student Login
First Time User?
If you've purchased courses through the Institute, your account has been automatically created for you.
Your username is the email address you provided when you purchased your courses. Older accounts may have a username that's different from their email address. If you have issues logging in, you can have a password reset email sent to you.
Your password was provided by email when you purchased your course(s). IF YOU DIDN'T RECEIVE YOUR EMAIL, you can have a password reset email sent to you.
You can also contact us at 1-800-364-5722, Mon - Fri, 9am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-5pm EST.
Would You Like to Purchase a Course?
If you would like to register for another course, click here.
Forgot Your Username / Password?
Click here to have a password reset email sent to you.